What is Party Plan?

Party plan involves a consultant going into someones home and demonstrating the products they sell.

The consultant receives a commission for the sale of the products. In most party plan companies there are bonus incentives such as extra commission, holidays and gifts for recruiting others or doing high sales. The person who invites the consultant into the home normally comes away with something special for having the party.

Party plan has it’s success because guests gets to try products before buying. They get to purchase products in their own home, in their pyjamas if they wish! Hostess gets to have friends around to help with purchase and gets rewarded for it to! Just like shops there are shopping deals and specials but without the rush of the crowds.

Sound good? So you want to be a Party Plan Consultant? Well great. But before you rush off into dooms-ville and end up with an empty pocket and a migraine you should first follow these steps. Remember success requires planning and preparation!

What do I need to do to get started?


Decide whether it is a feasible idea for YOU. Do you have a car and lots of patience? Do you like people? Do you have kids and if so is there someone who can look after them at nights or on weekends? Do you have some start up money. There are other costs of top of the join up fee which will need finance. Such as stationary, setting up a home office, car repairs (don’t want to be getting stranded), and demonstration supplies.

Have a look at the article So you want to start party plan by Amy Coulter.


Decide what you actually want from doing party plan and what you are willing to give up to get it? $100 extra a month? A week? More? Do you want to want to travel? Do you want the friends and acquaintances? Do you want to do it part time or full time? How many nights a week are you going to dedicate to parties? Do you plan to recruit others? Are you prepared to train others?

Decide on which party plan company you will join? Every company is different in the way it operates and the costs and time involved. Some companies demand a certain amount of parties per week/month whereas some require that you order a certain amount per month. What don’t you have in your area? What products do your friends and family like? What type of products do you like?

Try reading the article 15 Tips to help you choose the right direct sales company by Yvette Rooney for some extra advice. Also don’t forget that most party plan companies require that you get an ABN number, which you can register online by going to the Business.gov.au. While your there read up on the tax system for party planners.