15 Tips to help you choose the right direct sales company

by Yvette Rooney So you want your own business and you want to get into a party plan biz. Great. Direct sales or party plans are a great way to make a part or full time income. Like any business it will take hard work, devotion and time to get your business up and rolling. […]

TIME TIPS – 8 Strategies to Gaining Control

Overworked and overwhelmed! Is that how you feel? In a recent survey, women consistently sited “not enough time” as one of their top three stress inducers. We can’t find more time – there is only 84,600 seconds in every day but we can learn to take control of what we do with our time. The […]

TIPS for the Home-Based Business Mom

By Tracy Moland of MomManagement “Sorry about the noise, the business daycare is located right beside my office!” Have you ever used that line? Or wished you could? Why is it that every time the business line rings, the kids NEED Mommy. Welcome to the life of a work-at-home mom. We go about our work […]