• Floating Calender – Take a Calender of the next three weeks to parties. Let it float around with a pen and you’ll be surprised how many people will book themselves in. You can even offer a Pick a Date and Win Game where you choose a day on the three week calendar and keep it in your mind (maybe write it down!). Then whoever happens to book on that day and hold the party gets double hostess rewards.
  • Parking Lot Bid – Attach a “Please take one” pocket (sheet protectors will do the job) and hang books and business cards on the mirror of your car when you go shopping. People are always nearly banging into your mirrors so it will get lots of attention!
  • Wear your name badge when you go shopping. Make sure you look nice and approachable. You’ll surprised by how many people will start conversations with you like “my friend does that” or “I went to a (company) party some time ago”. It gives you a lead to say that you love your job and offer a party.
  • 100 no’s – Go for 100 no’s. Write 1 to 100 on a piece of paper. Ask everyone you know and who you don’t know for a booking. Don’t stop until you have 100 numbers. Along the way you will get some yes’s and some maybes but the no’s are just as important. You can also try this with recruiting and sales. If the same person says no to all three things then that’s 3 no’s!
  • Offer a Referral Program. Offer a free gift for every 5 bookings they throw your way. You can change this and make it a certain percentage off their next purchase. Or to be real generous you can share your commission from that party, so if you get 30% commission give them 3% or it. All depends on how much your think the party bookings are worth.
  • Always try for 2 bookings a party. Just getting one only replaces that party just held but getting 2 increases your business!
  • Have a monthly raffle where everyone that books gets a entry into. You might want to give 2 tickets for the first week of the month because then this allows you get more sales at the start of the month and gives you more time to find over avenues for more sales if you want to reach a target.
  • Swap parties with other consultants! This is a great way to get bookings and you get some freebies form another company too! The other consultants friends are probably overloaded with their friends company that yours will be a breath of fresh air!
  • If the hostess can’t get anymore bookings allow her to host another one with a different group of friends. This works great because there would have been friends that couldn’t make it but wanted to see the product before they buy. It also makes you look great to the hostess.
  • Make a pull-tab poster and offer parties with a special incentive (such as 5% off, free gift etc) and put it up at all the community boards around your area.
  • Use your card as a bookmark in the library books. Leave them in the books when you return your them. Stick some booster stickers on the back, 1 for a booking bid, another for a recruiting bid
  • Show your hostess lots of extra attention. Your guests are you potential hostesses and if you treat your hostess like a queen then the other guests will want the same treatment. Simple things like knowing her husband or kids names or mentioning how well a product will complement her work/hobby shows your guests that you listen.
  • Work out what an average hostess would get and put it in a basket (empty boxes are good and light!) and then wrap it up in clear cellophane with some ribbon. When your talking about being a hostess show your guests that this is what an average hostess receives for free/discounted price.
  • Be flexible. Offer catalogue parties, e-parties, theme parties, and different games. Everyone is different in their needs and wants, therefore by changing the party to suit different people will attract much more interested hostesses.
  • When you deliver your orders add a card saying “If you want some products for free ring and book a party!” Booster have some great stickers for this!
  • Host your own party. Choose a charity and donate all (or a percentage) of your commission. Put up a board that an extra $5 (or some other amount) will be added for each and every party booking. A party can be worth hundreds so it’s worth it and a charity donation is tax deductible. Plus giving to charity gives you a special glow!
  • Let your bank teller know what the deposit is for. Name the account if you can, Party Plan works best and make sure it’s always kept well stocked! Give the teller a catalog, make sure it has your contact details on it.
  • Put your card in fish bowls. Many delis, fast food places and other lunch shops have weekly draws. Put your business card in the bowl and don’t forget to check back the next week. My favourite is Subway, I’ve gotten about four free subs and hooked in a few workers for parties!
  • Talk to a local florist and ask to offer their clients a free pamper for two (For make up, skincare, aromatherapy and so on consultants). You can do up small cards to include in the flowers with you phone number on.
  • Make sure you have the name of your company on your answering machine. Such as “You’ve reached Jules and Mary Kay, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you”. Then everyone who leaves a message will know that you do Mary Kay. Some friends might not have known but will remember that you do it from then on
And you can play these games to get some bookings: At Least 2, Lucky Envelopes, Dice Gamble