Catalogue Parties

Catalogue parties are not really parties. They involve giving someone one of your catalogues along with some incentives for getting a certain amount of sales and/or bookings from friends, family and work mates. The benefit of doing catalogue parties is that it doesn’t take up any noticeable time. As a consultant all the time you need is enough to make up a catalogue pack with some order order forms and challenges. If you spend a little more time presenting it nicely then you may get some extra sales but really 10 minutes should do it. For the hostess they can show the catalogue in their lunch breaks, while friends and family come over and get orders over the phone. They don’t need to co-ordinate a time that all of their friends can get together. Here are the steps to creating your catalogue party pack:
  • Buy some nice folders. They can be display folders or pocket folders, just something to keep everything together.
  • Make sure the catalogues or product guides that you are using are unmarked and uncreased.
  • Put around 12 order forms in the pack or use an outside order form and put a few of them in instead
  • Make a large range of challenges. Set the first one at under the party amount and offer a sample of a discount voucher. Set the next level at the amount needed to qualify for things if they were having a party.
  • Put some recruiting flyers or stickers throughout the pack. If people see how easy it is for sales to come they might consider joining you!
  • NAME EVERYTHING! Every tiny piece of paper needs you name and contact detail! Don’t make the mistake of just putting them on the catalogue or the folder holding it because things gets lost and it’s better that they know how to contact you if they decide they want to order or find out about the company.


E-parties are simply parties that are held online. The consultant uploads images and information to a website and uses a social media platform such as Facebook or Yahoo Chat to start a online party. The consultant talks through all the details, the same as a real party, but instead of showing products and passing them around the consultants directs the guests through a site where pictures and other great info is kept. The benefits of an e-party are:
  • Guests don’t have to get dressed up, organise baby sitters or drive distances to attend the party.
  • Consultants don’t leave the house! There isn’t any chance of getting lost or running out of petrol
  • The party can run for a couple of hours and guests can come and go as they please.
  • All guests who purchase or book a real party go into a draw to receive the hostess rewards!
  • There’s still games and you can just leave when you’ve had enough
The negatives of an e-party are:
  • Guests only get to look at the products, they don’t get to try them or test them out.
  • You need to purchase or book to get hostess rewards.
  • If there’s a storm you can’t have your computer on!