- Cash and Carry – Have some products already ordered in or keep your old demo products and any other sale products you have picked up along the way and put them in a basket with a sign “Cash and Carry”. Have the products at a percentage off (say 10%) and offer them at the end of the party to anyone who wants to catch a bargain. Make sure you tell everyone that they don’t count towards party sales and are just a quick grab bargain.
- Birthday Club #1 – Keep a record of all your customers birthdays. Offer everyone something special if they make a purchase during the month of their birthday. This could be a free gift, a percentage off (say 10%) or maybe a 2 for 1 offer. This will give you plenty of people to ring each month and also shows your customers that you care! Don’t forget to say Happy Birthday when you call and it might be nice to sent them a card as well!
- Birthday Club #2 – Instead of offering a set amount during thier birthday month try something a bit more fun. Give their age of in sale. So if they (admit) are 35 they get 35% off all orders that month. Most party plan companies allow you to order products at a large percentage of for promotional uses. If not don’t use this idea!
- Wish Lists – Get hostesses to make wish lists so they know how much in sales they need to get to have their wish list for free. This also helps to get them excited about the party because they can see the outcome of all their hard work.
- Lucky Square – On a large A4 envelope draw lines to make 50 squares. If you target for the month is to get $1000 in sales, with a texta write $20 a square on top. In the envelope put a credit voucher for $100 worth or product and on the back of the voucher write a number between 1 and 50. Now at the start of your party tell your guests that for every $20 of product that they order they get to write their name and phone number in one square. When all squares have been filled in the voucher goes to the person whos name in on the number that you wrote on the back of the voucher! You can also offer bonus squares for bookig a party or going to a career information night if you wish to increase this area of your business!
- Special Display – If you have a current special which requires a certain amount of product to be purchased to receive a bonus, set up some products totaling up to that certain amount and then add the bonus. You can then point at the group of products during the party and say “With this months current specials you can get all this for $…, which is a saving of $…” People need to see what the specials means in order to realise how good of a saving it is.
- Old Catalogues – Don’t throw away your old catalogues and specials flyers! Instead put a post it note with “This is an old catalogue! If you like what you see call (number) for the latest one!” and leave them at at doctors surgeries, in hospital waiting rooms, on the bus, and anywhere where people leave magazines.
- Basket of Goodies – Have five small gifts in a basket along with a large one. When a customer buys something with a $25 value (or other set amount) the customer can take one of the small gifts. When all the small gifts are gone, the hostess gets the large gift. These parties are great for office parties, or parties on the go.
- Bridal Registrar – Offer for an upcoming bride to choose her favourite products that she would like to have. Write these down in a notebook and give it an account name (such as lastname,year… smith2005) Print out some small cards with the account name and the details to get in touch with you so that the bride to be can give them to her friends. If most of the products are bought within a couple of weeks write the order up as a party and choose something else that the bride to be would like with the hostess rewards to give the bride as your special gift. *You can also offer this for a persons birthday, or for Christmas!*
- Moving to a new house Stick a note to a catalogue that says “If you already have a [party plan company] Consultant, call her. If not, call me and I will be delighted to help you.” This is a great way to get some new customers without making yourself unwelcome by stealing someone elses customers. At least if they call their consultant you will still be in good terms to still be their friend!
- When you’re going to the hairdresser to get your hair done, take a catalogue and a pad of paper. You can spend the time learning a bit more about your products, writing up some special gift packs or just notes about certain items in the catalogue. This saves on times and also shows the hairdresser what you do. Ask to leave the catalogue behind.
- If you have someone who orders a lot give but doesn’t want to join the company get her involved in a associate club, where you’ll give her a certain percentage of all the sales she generates if it’s over a certain amount each month.
- If you know someone who you think will really love a certain product give them a free sample. When they try it and love it they order when the sample has run out. Sometimes if I give away the full size products and I’ve made then customers for life!
- Stay in contact with your customers. This lets them know you care about their needs and am willing to help them out. Keep a database on all your customers (using Excel or similar) recording details such as birthdays or anniversaries. If you know their birthday is coming up you can offer to organise a gift registry. You can also get email addresses and set up a mailing list so you can email them all when a new special or hostess bonus comes out.
- Use your products. You will always sell what you know and believe in. If you don’t use your products how can you expect anyone else to! If you sell perfume or make up make sure you are wearing it when you see your customers. If you sell toys have your kids playing with them so you can be sure of their funniness! If you sell chocolate eat heaps of it so you know what it tastes like (that’s for you Sarah!)
- Make sure all of your customers have your business card so that when they need to re-order they don’t go to someone else. Another thing you can do if your customers always loose your business card is to buy some business size magnets and glue your business card to it so that they can put it on their fridge! That way they see you every time they open the fridge!
- Keep a notepad in your kit bag and jot down any particular products that guests are interested along with their name and number. That way you can call them when a new products comes in that they will be interested in.
- Other places to leave your catalogues: Day care centre, Retirement homes, Doctors offices, Dressing rooms, Dance studios, Waiting rooms, With sales people at stores, Hairdressers, Tanning salons, Call centres… the list goes on!