Overworked and overwhelmed! Is that how you feel? In a recent survey, women consistently sited “not enough time” as one of their top three stress inducers. We can’t find more time – there is only 84,600 seconds in every day but we can learn to take control of what we do with our time. The following 8 tips will help you to control your life and will help you find ‘the gift of time’.
T = Take Aim – You need to know where you are going in life. You need to take the time to list your dreams. Write down at least 50 things that you want to do in your life. They can be realistic, unrealistic, big or small, but you need to write them down. You then need to prioritize the list.
I = Ideas and Activities – Determine ideas and activities that you can do towards your dreams. Don’t pre-judge activities, just write anything down. Be open to everything. Do you want to run a successful business? You can find a coach, hire help, market, research, take courses, invest money, find partners, network, etc.
M = Mapping Your Dreams – Your road map – your dreams – are your destination. Your activities are your directions, and your goals are your itinerary. Goals need to be specific, dated, attainable, written, and committed to. Create goals of different levels: long term, monthly, weekly, and daily. Once this map is made, you know what is important to you. You know where you are going. You know the best use of your time.
E = Effective vs. Efficient – There is a huge difference between effectiveness and efficiency. Most of us only worry about being efficient but we need to be effective too. As Matthew Parvis says, “Efficiency is doing the job right but effectiveness is doing the right job.”
In order to control time you must be doing the right job. We may be efficient at answering email, but if you are weeks behind in bookkeeping you are doing the wrong job. Once you have chosen to do the right job, then you must be efficient at getting it done.
T = To Do Lists – Planning for 5 to 15 minutes a day will save you at least 6 hours a week. When you plan your activities, you make sure you do what is important and you know how to stay on track.
To Do lists must be prioritized in order to be most effective. You first need to write the list and then you need to assign priority to the items. Your goals and dreams must be kept in mind when you prioritize this list. Using the same dream of running a successful business, at least one of your top priorities should lead in this direction.
I = Implement a system – In order to control your time you need to have a set system to follow. Most of us use some form of daytimer, notebook or computer to do this. Your successful system will include the following:
- Use only 1 calendar/planner for every-thing including personal and family commitments.
- It must have a monthly calendar and at least one page per day.
- Your TO DO list must be in your planner.
- Your GOALS must be in your planner.
- Get rid of excess, stay organized, have a spot for everything.
- Take it everywhere you go and refer to it at least 3 times a day.
- Try to touch a paper only once or deal with things immediately.
- Delegate.
- Say no – only take on activities, jobs or roles that lead to your goals and dreams.
P = Purge – Clutter on the outside leads to clutter on the inside.
S = Stop – If you are following the steps above and are following your dreams, most cases of procrastination will not occur. If you plan and prioritize, you’d rather just do a job than have to write it on your list again.
By using these eight strategies you will gain control over your time. You will be free to adjust your schedule to meet your needs. You will begin to live, the life of your dreams.
Tracy Lyn is a professional speaker, entrepreneur and author. Her book, Mom Management (TM), Managing Mom Before Everybody Else offers a variety of inspirational and practical sections on finding a balance in life. Each section makes an incredible presentation.