By Tracy Moland of MomManagement

“Sorry about the noise, the business daycare is located right beside my office!”

Have you ever used that line? Or wished you could? Why is it that every time the business line rings, the kids NEED Mommy.

Welcome to the life of a work-at-home mom. We go about our work a little differently than some women, but we still do it. Are we as professional? Or as effective? You bet we are. As any parent knows, parenting is a full time job. But many of us also work and some of us work from home. We often choose to work from home so that we can spend more time with our families and it usually works. It does not come easy and sometimes the two start to blend and cross lines, and neither is done effectively. Here are some tips to keep in mind to prevent the overlap.

  • Unique Time Slots – Family and work can mix at times but make sure you have solo time for each. There are business meetings, phone calls, or paper work that cannot be interrupted by “Momeee”. There are also family nights, meals and cuddles that cannot be interrupted by a business call.

  • Schedule – Set a work schedule – it can be work 8 – 10, 2-4, and 8-10 again, or working mornings or evening – AND stick to it. This schedule can adjust to the schedules of your home. Make phone calls when the children are sleeping. Attend meetings when the kids are at school or in programs. Do your paperwork every Tuesday when your spouse works late. When you work from home, it is easy to be working from when you wake up until you go to sleep. Don’t run down to check email one more time or do a quick thing – unless absolutely necessary.

  • Share Your Business – Teach your family about your business. Make everyone feel that they are a part of it. My 3-year-old son is my business partner and has his own business cards. His charm has clinched a few deals! My daughter is going to own a business when she grows up (and be a princess). Give them small tasks to do for you. If the family feels a part of it, they won’t resent it when mom is doing her work or making her phone calls.

  • Have a Plan – Sometimes, even with time slots and a schedule something will happen. Make sure you have a plan. I have held business meetings at a restaurant with a play area. I have a day home I can call. Others have a box of different toys or candy that you can pull out as a distraction.

  • Create Systems – Create different systems for you and your family to use. Use a signal such as holding your hand in the air to signal it is a business call and the kids need to wait. Create a mini office with similar items for the kids to play at when you are working.

  • Keep Organized – One of the major keys to juggling family and work in the home, is to stay organized. Time is very precious; don’t waste it looking for things. Use one day timer for everything so you don’t miss something. Organize your time, your things, and your family. It is worth taking 15 minutes a day to stay organized. You will find that time back and more.

    Work combined with family does work, but always remember your WHY. If you have days where the two overlap and you feel like you are losing control, STOP and remember why you decided to work from home. Was it to be with the kids? Was it to have more control? Was it to run a business? Think about your why, re-focus, and put one foot forward and get things back on the right track.

    At the end of the day, most of us are working from home to have more time with our families so make sure to enjoy it. I once had a week where things weren�t going right but as I sat and watched my son in his swimming lessons and got to volunteer at my daughter�s school I remembered my WHY. I felt great; my family felt good and the week turned around!

    Tracy Lyn is a professional speaker, entrepreneur and author. Her book, Mom Management (TM), Managing Mom Before Everybody Else offers a variety of inspirational and practical sections on finding a balance in life. Each section makes an incredible presentation. For more information please visit