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How to Create a Home Party Plan EXPLOSION!
Lesson 1a - Do you even understand what is possible with your business?

By Daren C. Falter © 2003 DC Falter Marketing, Inc./Party Smarter

Lets go back to the "DEADLY 10 LIST" and start from the beginning

What is possible?

I guess a better question to ask is… do you care what is possible? I was forced to ask this question recently at a live presentation in front of a group of aspiring Home Party Plan professionals. I’d been asked to give one of my presentations on profiting in your direct sales business. My audience was 95% party planners, mostly women, who didn’t seem to really be into what I was telling them. After asking a series of questions to the audience, I realized I was wasting my time. Unbeknownst to me, this group was used to a certain agenda that I was not following.

Here's their routine. First, they get together every month to try to pitch the other party planners on each others products and try to book parties with each other right at the meeting. I’ll buy yours if you buy mine. Do a party for me and I’ll do one for you and spend the profits I make at my party on your party. Isn’t this fun?

Second, they were talking about setting up another booth at another chamber event that would get a lot of “lunchtime traffic” from… you guessed it… more party planners and their booth helpers. They also had a few walk throughs from somebody looking for the bathroom.

Third, they wanted me to get done talking so they could start giving out recognition awards. What kind of recognition? Well, it certainly wasn’t for any kind of Home Party Plan Business achievement. I sarcastically referred to them (in my own head) as the “barely surviving in spite of themselves” awards. “Congratulations to Mary for another FULL YEAR of survival in her Home Party Planbusiness. She may not have produced many sales this month, but that hasn’t stopped her from purchasing another $500 basket full of her company’s products and giving it away as a door prize at our next mixer. Mary will be heading up our home-based Home Party Plan Business community outreach committee. Lets hear it for Mary.”

I’ve been a platform speaker for many years and although I’m not the most dynamic speaker and trainer in the world, I usually get pretty good feedback on my stuff. I’m usually speaking to women and men who want to make more money in less time, or even double and triple their incomes in the same time. I speak to people who want to book more parties, get more orders and reorders, make more sales at every party, get better attendance at every party, build relationships with potential hostesses and customers better and faster. In a nut shell, it all comes down to progress.

Is progress something you’re interested in? Do you want to improve, surpass, climb higher, achieve more? Again, I must ask the question… WHAT IS POSSIBLE… and do you care?

Well, since you’re still reading, I’m going to assume, you DO want to know the possibilities so I’m going to give them to you.

The fact of the matter is…


  • You could be making a 6 or even 7 figure income in your Home Party Plan Business by this time next year
    • You could be retiring from your Home Party Plan Business FOR LIFE exactly one year from today, spending time with children or grand children, going on trips with your spouse, volunteering at your church, and local schools
  • You could be on a trip around the world on a luxury cruise ship for 3 months and STILL be receiving your FULL CHECK direct deposited into your bank account every month you’re away
  • You could be at the hospital having a baby with your loving spouse, your bills paid, your preparations for your new family member made, and no concerns about making your volumes or quotas for the month
  • You could own a store or restaurant that you bought with your own money from your Home Party Plan Business and you can afford to hire management to run it
  • You could be a millionaire.
  • You could be starting a non-profit organization, volunteering at a literacy program, or foster caring for needy children without worrying about time or money.

    Is any of this REALLY possible in the next 1-2 years? Not only is it possible, but its probable IF, and only IF, you study and apply the secrets to building your Home Party Plan Business BIG and FAST.

    Why take 10-15 years to build a retirement when you can take 1-3 years?

    You REALLY can change your life over the next 12-24 months, but to do it FAST, you must change the way you’re doing Home Party Plan Business FAST. You might need to stop associating with some of the people in your life (at least for a while). You might need to change your Home Party Plan Business or your product. You might need to completely change your Home Party Plan Business building system.

    I’m willing to share with you some absolute PEARLS of knowledge that where taught to me by some of the worlds most successful women and men in direct sales. This information did not come without a HUGE price – a huge sacrifice of time, effort, and money. But now I have this knowledge, I’ve applied it with incredible results and enormous benefit to me and my family, and now I want to share ALL of these secrets with you.

    I make no promises other than these...

    1. If applied, these principles will CHANGE YOUR LIFE and supercharge your business.
    2. I will not ask you to do anything I have not been willing to do myself.
    3. I will not curse or swear at you, I will not tell dirt jokes, lies and deceptions, and I’ll try to limit the lousy jokes, however… (next point)
    4. Even though I will not be nasty and foul, I will probably offend some of you and I’ll at least make most of you very uncomfortable at least once or twice during the course of this report.
    5. If you choose NOT to listen to these principles, you do so at your own peril. The marketplace is changing every day. My job is to keep up with what is working TODAY, not last month. What you learned last year from your leader or from a book could be OLD NEWS by now.

    Enough said?

    Good. Lets get started changing your life.

    Daren C. Falter
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